Guidelines for preferential treatment and reduced duties
Free trade programs are designed to help you reduce duties and encourage international trade. Let Tradewin guide you through the complex qualification process.

We keep up with the rapidly changing free trade landscape so you can make the most of programs like USMCA, EU-Mexico Trade Agreement, and ASEAN-Korea FTA.
Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)
Find out how to take advantage of preferential origin qualifications.
Generalized System of Preferences
Do your goods qualify for tariff exceptions? We can help determine eligibility for the US Generalized System of Preferences (GSP).
Special Use Provisions
With so much variation from country to country, our localized expertise can help you navigate every step of the way.

Trade Preference Programs and FTANavigator
The cornerstone of a successful FTA program is solicitation. Tradewin’s FTANavigator is a web-based tool that cuts the cost and organizes the process in a user-friendly interface while providing the ability to solicit almost any free trade agreement in existence.
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